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Les Royal-Dragons
[|DRAGON|]-De Nansouty
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Nansouty - Alpha

CFTW 2vs2 2010
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CFTW 2vs2 2010
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Alpha - Nansouty

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 Tournoi CCS

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MessageSujet: Tournoi CCS   Tournoi CCS I_icon_minitimeJeu 30 Sep - 22:16

Messieurs ,

Pour info , le CCS n'a pas publié encore de nouvelles règles pour la prochaine édition, toutefois je vous poste les règles -en anglais- du précèdent;

Cela permettra de se remettre en mémoire les contraintes de ce tournoi;

Tourney Format: The tourney will be a League with groups created randomly + Knockout Stage.
Each team will play 2 battles against every other team in its group. Each team plays once as attacker and once as defender. Possible results with points system:

2-0 - 4 points for the winner, 1 point for the loser
1-1 - 2 points for both clans

The top two clans in each league with the most points at the end of the Group Stage will proceed to the Knockout Stage. In the event of a 2nd place tie in any of the leagues, the result of the match between two clans is decisive. If it ended with a draw there will be additional best of 3 decider.

Knockout Stage fixtures:

Quarter finals:

1A - 2B (1)
1B - 2A (2)
1C - 2D (3)
1D - 2C (4)


(1) - (3)
(2) - (4)

In Knockout Stage clans play in a best of 3 formula and in the Final in the best of 5 formula.

Deadlines: Clans will have 2 weeks to play their games. If the game was not played or only one battle was played then admins can do the following:

- award forfeit victory to one clan (4 points for them, 0 for losers)
- award no contest if both clans were not active enough or it is impossible to judge which fault is was that the game was not played (0 points for both clans)
- give maximum 1 week extension (rare cases)

Faction Selection: Clan on the left is the attacker in first battle and picks a faction first, then the defender, then the attacker until everyone has picked a faction.
There can be no 2 same factions in a team, but opposing team can have the same factions. Factions elimination will be in place in Group Stage, so teams will have to play 6 different factions over 1 match (two battles). In next match they of course can use those factions again. The same goes for Knockout Stage.

In Knockout Stage clans from 1st place in Group decide whether they want to pick faction first and attack in first battle or pick faction second and defend. If two clans from first/second place in Group meet then the one on the left picks faction first and attacks in first battle.

Techinical Difficulties:In case of disconnection after the battle is fully engaged, the game should continue until the end. In case of disconnection before engagement, the game should be rehosted with same armies.

Map for Tournament: Grassy Flatlands

In-game Battle Setup


Unit Size: Medium

Other Setup:
Weather: Dry
Time of Day: Morning
Battle Time Limit: Unlimited

Unit Selection per Player:
Max 2 artillery (no fixed)
Max 4 long range (rifles/light inf)
Max 8 Infantry (Militia/Line/Grenadiers/Melee)
Max 4 Lancers.

DLC (Exclusive) units: Please click HERE

In Game Rules: There shall be no red line camping. In case of cheating during unit selection the game shall be rehosted with everyone keeping the same factions, but selecting new armies.

Bien à vous

Davout bye
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