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Les Royal-Dragons
[|DRAGON|]-De Nansouty
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[|DRAGON|]-De Murat
[|DRAGON|]-De Oudinot
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[|DRAGON|]-De Duroc
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CFTW 2vs2 2010
Oudinot - Walther

CFTW 1vs1 2010

CFTW 2vs2 2010
Oudinot - Walther

CW Last Campaign 2011
Alpha - Nansouty

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 HG tournaments 1v1/2v2 vanilla

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HG tournaments 1v1/2v2 vanilla Empty
MessageSujet: HG tournaments 1v1/2v2 vanilla   HG tournaments 1v1/2v2 vanilla I_icon_minitimeDim 20 Nov - 9:59

Les HG organisent deux tournois sur NTW (vanilla)

HG tournaments 1v1/2v2 vanilla Mamome10

MAMOTRETIC POWER 2011- Napoleon Total War
HG's members, HG friends, Ambassadors of Clans

RULES 1.0: Any doubt posterity in this forum

- The tournament will be held with the original version of Napoleon Total War, will accept all existing DCL.
Be able to register all players who want to participate, Members of the Brotherhood, as well as guests from other clans.

- It will consist of two independent leagues, the first will be held in the format 1 vs 1, and the second with 2 vs 2 format.
There will be two home and visitor rounds. There will be an updated classification of the results by rounds.

- Once you have finished all the rounds, there will be a playoff with the best players (8 players / 8 teams) in the quarterfinals
to two rounds, and third match tiebreaker if necessary. Finally, the semifinals and will play the Grand Final.

- The mode of play will be as follows for both players in 1v1 and in 2v2 teams:


- The game will have a time limit of 40 minuts.
- The local player, you can choose map, but is required to be a attacker. It also allows you to choose the kind of
and dimension of the unit.
- In case of a tie (when time is running out) will win, the player who have more troops, with a penalty of 30% for the
player attacker.
- 5 light Infantry maximum, 2 maximum artillery, no unicorns, no mortars or rockets.
- Utilize all countries of the game's features as appropriate, but without repetition. Once used them all, repeat the


- Red line (red line): Red Line: minimum distance that must exist between any troops and the red line must be at least a
two line infantry ranks. There can be no soldiers, nor by part of the attacker, or desensor, in any situation, if the
troops are static.
Yes is allowed when moving.
- Disconnections:
In order to prevent falls malicious, we consider two types of falls:
Falls irrelevant:
In the deployment phase, or after the commencement, if absolute equality in battle or if there is no advantage to the
player who falls. The battle will rehost the same conditions (army, units). If the same player falls in battle 3 times the
game will be postponed if conditions on the Internet or steam are poor in a particular day.
Falls decisive:
If the crash occurs with a decisive advantage to a player will be awarded the victory in battle, under the agreement
of both players, but there is decided by the administration.
If the fall occurs clearly decided the battle for a player, the battle will rehost under the same conditions (army, units),
under the agreement of both players, but there is decided by the administration.
The second decisive fall of the same player is given the battle as lost. under the agreement of both players, but the
administration decided there.

In either case, these, he shall be the player who does not fall immediately decide whether he plays or not. If the game
is played, counted, and not rehost.
It depends on the players and their particular interpretation and sportsmanship, if you want to apply this rule,
and rehost after more than 2 falls in the same battle.

- If there is a claim in battle, in which a player is manager, this manager will not decide. Solve another manager not involved in the battle.

- Game time each of the rounds will be established by management based on inscription in the tournament.

Note: Administrators reserve the power to create or modify those rules necessary for the proper operation and fairness of the tournament.
We will use English as the lingua franca in all that relates to communications between managers and players.
He shall preserve the respect and fair play among the players.

Please post to register your team for the 1vs1 or 2v2 contest:
Hermandad de la Guardia (H.G.):

- Player name and steam address
- Clan
- timezone

Administrators: HG Cperalbo , HG Chemari.

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HG tournaments 1v1/2v2 vanilla
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